Photo Challenge: Framing

It’s been quite a while since I have done a photo challenge and came across, via FlipBoard, an idea (or 5 ideas) for helping to re-enforce things I have learned and to support my never ending quest to improve my photographic skills.

The next several challenges I will be undertaking are not my idea but rather gleaned from a post at KQED called 5-Day Photo Challenge to Improve Your Skills This Winter Break5-Day Photo Challenge to Improve Your Skills This Winter Break.

I won’t be doing a different challenge each day, though.  Rather, I will have a timeline of 3 to 5 days for each of these so that I can have a bit more time to actually do the work involved. The funny thing about having a family is that our time is not always our own and we need to take this into account when planning for fun and hobby.

The description of each challenge will be copied from the referenced post.  (There.  Credit given.)

Each day I will post at least one image for this challenge.

Now on to the challenge:

Framing (5 days)

Don’t be afraid to fill the frame and take a close up shot of something you love.

It needs to be said: what is in the frame of your photo is the main character. Everything else is background noise.

To kick off our challenge, we want you to take closeups of your favorite thing (s).

  1. Zoom in or get get up close to practice framing your subject.

To see my submissions, go here.



One thought on “Photo Challenge: Framing

  1. Pingback: Framing (with a twist) | The Eclectic Shooter

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